Inspire your students to read with a fun visit from the Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens!
These 30 minute book talks focus on specially chosen books from the Sunshine Young Reader’s Award Program. Traveling Zoo Tales will inspire your students to read, to explore, to dream of extraordinary things, and to connect to your already established reading program! We will bring Animal Ambassadors to visit your students and share a fun and interactive discussion about the book.
Time: 30 minutes per program / Maximum of three back-to-back programs per day.
Grades: Pre-K – 2nd grade / 3rd – 5th grade / 6th – 8th grade
Group Size: Up to approximately 60 students per program.
Cost: $215 for the first program and $50 for each consecutive program at the same location on the same day. ($25 extended distance fee for schools over 30 miles from the Zoo.)
Reservations: Required at least two weeks in advance. Please call 407.323.4450 ext. 125 or email for more information and reservations.